Long Range Carping – Want to cast 160 yards? We’ll show you how! Part 2

Here is the second part of the casting video I shot with Shaun Harrison and Mark Hutchinson in February of this year. This part goes through the casting technique recommended by Mark to get extra distance. (It’s in two clips because Youtube limits the clips to 10 minutes). So here is part 2 & 3:

“Want to cast 160 yards? Join British Record casting champion Mark Hutchinson on the bank as he teaches a normal 100 yard caster how to hit the 160 mark he thought he’d never reach. No secrets – Everything revealed from tackle to technique.”

Long Distance Casting – Part 2: The Casting

Long Distance Casting – Part 3: The Casting (continued)


3 thoughts on “Long Range Carping – Want to cast 160 yards? We’ll show you how! Part 2

  1. johan says:

    please tell me who the current casting champion and what is the record in meters

  2. Martin says:

    My personal best 212m (232yd). Rod Greys Platinum 50, 12,6ft/3lbs, main line 0,22mm, lead 100g


    Hi, I am from South Africa. How to i prevent my line from comming off the reel when casting using a open face spinning reel and the reel is facing up. Do i have to losen the drag or not after fliping the bale over or shold the drag remain fairly tight. My line tends to spin oof uncontrollable when using thsi method of casting, is there anything i am doig wrong

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