More Early Season Carp Success at Sapphire

Ron Key & Dan Phesay had a great March session on Sapphire (w/c 26th March) taking 41 carp from 20lb to 34lb 8oz including 33 twenties many in the 27/28/29lb range and 8 thirties.  They also had around 20 grass carp with Dan having at least three over 20lbs.

French carp fishing at Sapphire

Fantastic 30lb+ Sapphire common for Ron Key

Dan caught his fish at catapult range in the old river bed, fishing over T1 boiles and used snowman rigs and stick mix.  Ron located his fish at around 120 yards and fished hi viz Chilli Chocolate Fluoro Pop Ups over a bed of Chilli Chocolate and Ghurkka Spice boilies Spombed out over the feeding area.

There’ll be a video coming out soon going into more detail on the tactics they used.


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