Buying A Carp Lake In France – The Ultimate Guide

We often get asked the same question many times in the office here at Angling Lines –  “How do I go about buying a carp lake in France?” – this article should point you in the right direction. John London bought the popular little French carp lake Bletiere back in the early 2000´s. He kindly […]

Stocking Carp in a French Lake – 10 Things To Consider

If you’re starting your carp fishing lake business, stocking carp in a french lake is likely to be one of the biggest money outlays you make. Here’s the things I have learnt; 1. Before you even start to think about buying a lake and running your own carp fishery sit down and work out your finances The bigger […]

Lillybelle Receives It’s First Carp Stocking!

Here’s the first carp going into the brand new Lillybelle lake… & what cracking carp they are! The carp were stocked on 17th December ’13.  In total 104 carp were stocked, average size of mid 20’s & the largest was 31lb.  Around 80% of the fish stocked were mirrors because most of the original stock […]

Stocking Update at Mas Bas – Two New Fifties and a Forty!

Spring seems to have finally sprung at Mas Bas. The weather has been absolutely atrocious over the past couple of months. We have had rain virtually every day and Gilles has impatiently been waiting for the opportunity to drain down the main lake and remove all the surplus grass carp which have become more and […]

2nd major carp stocking takes place at Blue Lake

Following on from the 86 carp stocked in November the owners of Blue Lake have just added another 186 carp including; 6 x 40’s, 80 x 30’s and 100 x 20’s. Plus a handful of large grass carp to mid 30’s. Adding the two stockings to test angler estimates of original stock, we estimate that […]

Over 1 ton of carp stocked into Blue Lake – Nov ’11

After a short delay caused by the indian summer, Blue Lake‘s major stocking programme is under way. A total weight of carp of 2,500lb including 33 x 30’s and 52 x 20’s is added to the existing stock. 86 carp in all with an average weight of just over 29lb. And that’s not all………..There’s another […]

More big carp stocked at Sapphire

Michel Bigot has just netted one of his stock ponds and dispatched 10 more carp to Sapphire Lake. The best of these were two mirrors weighing 45lb and 43lb. The others were all upper twenties. These are added to the nine 40’s and the 50 we saw him stock a few weeks ago.

Looking for a carp runs water?

Alan Bigot introducing one of the new stockies Following on from the introduction of the 51 lb mirror at Lillypool, the lads have gone mad and put in yet more fish in for your enjoyment. Yes, I did say more fish added to the already impressive head of carp.  This should really help guarantee even […]

More carp stocked at Villefond French carp lake

The carp arrive! Yesterday, January 12th, Villefond received an additional batch of carp from fish farmer Michel Bigot.  These fish are all young fast growing carp that will help boost the run rate still further on this prolific venue. The weight (in lb’s) of the fish that were stocked was; 5 x commons; 27, 26, 22, 21, 20, 18 14 x […]

21 x 30lb+ carp are stocked into Mas Bas

March 1st, 2010 The aim of this years re stocking at Mas Bas was to increase the numbers of 30’s. Gilles went up to the fish farmer at La Brenne in the west of France and picked 21 beautiful mirror carp, all between 30 and 35lb. As you can see from the photos they are […]

Sapphire gets more carp stock

This 2 day stocking operation (26/27 January) at Sapphire saw 230 carp added to the existing stock. As always with our Bigot venues the numbers were impressive with 125 x 20lb+ and 80 x 30lb+ carp making up the bulk of the delivery. The 8 x 40lb+ provided the cream, with 2 of these already […]

Lillypool gets additional carp

Here’s the short video clip of the recent additional stocking at Lillypool. To recap; on 18th December 2009 a further 55 carp were stocked.  Six of the fish were just under 20lbs with the rest ranging from 20 to 30lb, the average weight being 24lb 10oz, and the biggest being 29lb 5oz with two lovely commons […]

Another 55 carp stocked at Lillypool

Following on from the 33 grass carp stocked in September 2009, Santa came and emptied his sack early at Lillypool in the form of Michel and Laurent Bigot and their fish farming team. On 18th December 2009 a further 55 carp were stocked, slightly more than was promised but we just couldn’t resist as they […]