Bletiere record common carp

I just wanted to drop you a quick note about our trip to Bletiere (got back on Saturday). In the fishing party was myself, my two boys (12 and 16) & my brother (who hadn’t fished for 30 years).

We arrived last Saturday & to say we had variable weather was an understatement. Pouring rain and boiling sun. However we had an absolutely fabulous time.

John was always popping over to see if we were okay and was quick to offer any help he could when he saw that we were struggling. I think it was four times he donned his waders to un-snag me (the man has the patience of a saint!). He lent my brother a brolly to protect him from the rain & sun as we only had two bivvies and me a pod as I was struggling with my bank sticks – all at no charge!

My youngest got bored some of the time, so John took him off on two of the days to the next door pond for some float fishing (which included John re-spooling his reel with lighter line). That was also to give me a break to fish in peace for a while.

Lesley’s food who lovely (& I swear the gite was that clean we could have eaten off the floor if we so desired).

The lake record common

My oldest got a new lake record on Friday afternoon. The weight looks a bit dodgy as it was only 1 once over the record of the week before!!! To confirm we weren’t up to any naughties – John was on hand to land the fish and was there for the weigh-in (nb we weighed the weigh sling after returning the fish) to ensure we got a correct weight as the slings do absorb a fair bit of water. I even have video of Oliver playing the fish and John landing it – though we didn’t know at that time how big it was going to be – so great for the memories. I am sure the record will be beaten soon though.

We will be back – as I can’t imagine a nicer place to spend a week fishing and just to confirm the ladies back at Angling Lines handled all my queries with my quote, booking etc in their usual friendly and efficient manner & I could not imagine not booking a carp fishing holiday through Angling Lines.

Robin White


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