And now for something completely different….. carp & llamas!

You would expect lakes and carp on your fishing holiday. You might even expect some nice countryside, but would you expect to find llamas and alpacas on a 75-acre estate?

Well, you will at the Notaires House and lakes in Limousin. We trek our gentle, majestic animals around our woods and fields. This caused such a stir initially that the local TV sent out their cameras to record the spectacle for France 3.

You can see the TV clip here featuring the llamas, the Notaire’s house, our beautiful lakes and estate and the whole family (except me, I was sent to the back for being a dunce at French!). Benjamin, labelled as Jeremy in the clip for reasons unknown, gets bleeped out during the interview. Apparently it’s not ok to use the slang for testicles on air!

[stream base=x:/ flv=LesFragnesLlamas.flv img=LlamaTV.jpg embed=false share=false width=450 height=253 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high title=Llama Trekking at Notaires autostart=false /]

So now you can show the clip to your significant other when you are discussing holiday destinations. There is only the briefest mention of carp and just a quick flash of  a lake. Remember to look suprised when you get to Notaires with its two lakes and carp in excess of 30 lbs right next to a scenic old farmhouse!

And yes, there is a Monty Python link; do you remember the llama sketch?


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