Carp Care : 8 Top Tips

We are all trying to be responsible anglers, respecting the environment and practicing good carp care with the fish we catch. Here’s our top 8 tips to help you do that. 1 Make sure that you are using fishing tackle that is suitable for French carp fishing and this means strong and reliable rods, reels […]

7 Great Tips To Combat Crayfish When Carp Fishing

Crayfish occur naturally in most lakes & rivers in France.  The carp love to eat them & almost without exception where there’s large carp you’ll find crayfish too, because they are an excellent source of protein which makes the carp grow very quickly. Here is how to beat crayfish when carp fishing… Under normal circumstances […]

How to Avoid & Combat Poisson Chat

We’re resurrecting a few of our old question & answer posts as they’re still very applicable today! Here’s a great one on how to avoid & combat poisson chat. Poisson chat are very common in many French lakes, but with a few tips and tricks you can minimise any disturbance they have on your carp […]

What To Take Carp Fishing in France: Easy Checklist

Pat Gillett always produces a list to check against when preparing for a trip. He kindly agreed to share it with us and we hope that this detailed list of what to take carp fishing in France can prove as a great point of reference and jog a few memories when packing for your trip… Equipment […]

How To Get The Best Out Of French Carp Fishing

I think that it fair to say that most anglers that visit French carp waters expect to catch big carp and lots of them, beating their British PB’s by a fair margin. Ultimately carp behave the same in France as in England, they can be temperamental. Then when they do go on the feed anglers […]

Where to Buy Carp Fishing Bait in France Easily

So, now we have clarified that it is currently not possible to bring bait with you from the UK for your French carp fishing holiday (see more about that here) due to Brexit. We’d like to help offer some solutions on where to buy carp fishing bait in France.

Modern carp care – Look after them on the bank!

The most important aspect of carp fishing, and possibly the one that gets overlooked the most, is bankside carp care. People spend thousands of pounds on the best rods, sparkly reels and expensive alarms and then buy small unhooking mats and inappropriate landing nets. We need to ensure the fish we catch are returned back […]

Carp Fishing in France & Brexit

Can you take bait and boilies to France now? What food stuffs are you no longer able to take? And can you still take your dog? We gather some articles that should help you find the answers. Can I take bait – boilies, particle etc – to France after BREXIT? In short – you can […]

The Session of a Lifetime at Villefond

A simply incredible 24hrs of carp fishing on Villefond lake. A run of huge carp for lake owner Mark which saw 50’s, 60’s and an 80lber on the bank. Watch the full session video below. The most unbelievably lucky 24 hours of fishing. That’s the best way I can start to describe what just happened […]

Picking the Right Swim on a Carp Lake

When you arrive at your chosen carp lake, one of your first priorities is to choose your swim for the session. Particularly if you are fishing abroad, this may be the first time you have seen the lake. When picking a swim it’s essential to focus on some key factors, here’s our top three things […]

Carp fishing watercraft – do you make these mistakes?

Watercraft is, I believe, something you either have or you haven’t! It’s a bit like having an eye for taking a photograph, or a talent for driving a car. Some people are naturals and others will have to put more effort in to learning. So it is in carp angling and despite that fact that […]

Seven Secrets to Catching Carp

Carp fishing is not rocket science. We are trying to catch a fish. But this fish is a master of its environment and can adapt extremely well to angler pressure, however with a little thought and effort though we can stack the chances back on our side. Here then are my ‘Seven Secrets to Catching […]

10 Essential Items Of Carp Fishing Tackle

Other than your carp fishing rods, reels, buzzers and bivvy, there are several items of tackle that despite their relative insignificance I’d be hard pressed to fish without when I venture abroad on my carp fishing holiday in France. Some items it is worth stocking up on to avoid running out and others literally make […]

What Lead Should I Use when Carp Fishing?

Paul Cooper passes on his knowledge of different leads to use when carp fishing and what he believes are the best situations to use them for. What is the importance of using the right lead and size of lead in certain angling situations? In my opinion, selecting the right lead can mean success or failure […]

Tactics For Shy, Tricky Carp

Have you set your sights on a carp lake where the fish are shy, finicky or just down-right difficult to catch? Here’s some advice that might help… Trev wrote: Just wondering if you could help me on my local lake.  When we have put a bed of pellets down the fish are bubbling like crazy and […]

Tackling Smaller Lakes

Looking for a new carp fishing challenge? Think small… Intimate pools. Big carp. Minimal angler pressure. Chuck in a fat bloke and a tree, you’ve got Christmas – right? Well, maybe not. In fact, as  I write this, four very capable carp anglers are ‘blanking up a storm’ on my own one-acre pond which – […]