Laroussi’s On A Roll!

Laroussi has been fishing it’s head off recently, with some truly incredible carp captures. Here’s lake owner Mehdi with the latest news…

It has been very hot at Laroussi early july with record temps up to 38Ā°C.Ā We used to thinkĀ thatĀ hot weather is not ideal for catching fish but here’s a good example why we are wrong.

John Allen, faithfulĀ Laroussi angler, came early july during the hottest week of the year and still manage to catch 14 fish!Ā 2 weeks later, he was back for another round and what a week he had…

He landed an awesome total of 49 fish! Including the best grass carp trio with 50lb8ozĀ , 49lb and a 43lb! Best carp were 55lb and 52lb. He was catching constantly every day. That’s the biggest amount of fish for a single angler of the year so far!

Well done John, amazing angling!

stunning scaley mirror carp  at Laroussi

John Allen with an absolutely stunning 44lb mirror

During the same mad week, Sebastien was also on the Laroussi Bank. He caught 15 fish, biggest were 3 forties.

But the cherry on the cake was the BIG Tench! That was his first bite within a hour, he hooked in a small fish, played it and thought it was a small carp. At the net, he recognized the big tench of Laroussi caught last year at a WR weight 15lb4oz off the same swim!

world record tench at Laroussi in France

World record tench at Laroussi

The exact weight was 15lb5oz, so that’s a new record!Ā The very good news is the big female was empty so that means full of spawn, it might reach 16lbĀ ?!?

Ashley Haines and William Chapman were fishing the previous week too and had a great time again with 16 fish up to 55lb.

carp fishing in france at Laroussi

One of Ashley Haine’s Ā mirror carp

CongratulationsĀ to all!Ā Hot weather = hot results!

Tight Lines

For more information on Laroussi follow the link ā€“ Carp Fishing in France


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