Molyneux Report – 7th May Week

No sooner had the previous weeks weather arrived, causing mayhem in it’s wake, than it started to dissipate. Saturday morning dawned bright and clear, and the prospect for the following seven days was for it to remain that way, with warmest temperatures of the year so far… More importantly the night time temperatures were high so hopefully plenty of fishy activity.

This weeks guests were in part making their third trip to the lake. Kev, Tim, Ryan and Paul had all visited us for the previous two years, and enjoyed some success on their trips. They had two new friends with them this time, John and Neil. We of course welcomed them, and had a little look around the lake as you do…

The draw was nail biting, Paul came out number 1 so drew Barn swim, John chose Social 1, Tim decided upon the Double, Neil went up to Jacks in the hope they would seek out shallow water. Kev chose the Cabin swim, and Ryan picked Social 2.

carp lakes france molyneux


The weather did indeed hold, in fact it improved almost daily, hot and sunny and warm at night, with only the odd warm shower to punctuate the sunbathing.…  It was as if this is what the fish had been waiting for. They moved out of the deep and very shallow water, Yeah I know, weird isn’t it! and out into the main body of the water and in dire danger of actually getting hooked. The guys fished well, and worked hard for their fish. when they came it was thick and fast action, with many big fish caught and a few dropped off the hook. The disappointment didn’t last too long though and the guys went after another…

John started the week off on Saturday night with a 39lb 3oz mirror so it is only right I start with his catch report for the week….Mirrors of 39lb 3oz, 25lb 8oz, 25lb 12oz, 29lb 8oz, 21lb 12oz, 30lb 4oz, 33lb 8oz, 40lb 4oz, 30lb, 34lb 4oz, 34lb 4oz, 30lb, and 27lb 8oz. Commons of 19lb 4oz, 17b, 22lb, and 29lb 4oz. and a Grass carp of 26lb 8oz.

French carp lakes Molyneux

John – 40lb 8oz

Ryan landed the following from Social 2….. 20lb Mirror, 38lb 4oz mirror, 36lb mirror, 32lb 1oz mirror, Commons of 12lb 8oz, 10lb 8oz, 14lb 8oz, 27lb 2oz, and a grass carp of 24lb.

From the cabin Kev caught mirrors of 38lb, 40lb 15oz, 45lb 13oz. commons of 45lb 9oz, 38lb 10oz and 19lb 4oz, plus one Grass carp of 36lb 6oz’s.

French carp lakes Molyneux

Kev – 45.13

Paul in Barn landed the following…. 34lb mirror, 44lb 11oz mirror, and 29lb 3oz mirror. Tim in Double swim landed a 31lb mirror, 35lb 8oz mirror, 30lb Grass carp, 38lb mirror, 37lb 1oz mirror, 37lb 10oz mirror, 33lb 10oz mirror, 32lb 8oz mirror, 45lb 9oz common. Neil was last to actually get off the mark, not catching till 6.30am on Tuesday……. He made up for it with a good charge as the week went on…

French carp lakes Molyneux

Neil – 36.12

He caught…… 34lb 15oz mirror, 22lb 10oz common, 36lb 12oz mirror, 34lb 5oz mirror, 12lb 3oz mirror, 30lb 1oz mirror, 33lb 2oz mirror, 31lb 6oz mirror, 20lb 13oz common, 22lb 5oz common, 32lb 4oz mirror, and an 11lb 6oz common.

French carp fishing Molyneuxc

Tim – 45.9

A Cracking weeks fishing, with five different forties including a new lake record Common weighing 45lb 9oz’s which was caught twice in a few days meaning that good mates and Brother in law’s Kev and Tim jointly hold the Lake Record for a common. Another mention must also go to Kev, who fished the Cabin swim. With three different forties, two of which were over 45lb’s.

carp fishing france molyneux

Paul – 44.11

A good week was enjoyed by all as always when these guys are over, the Dick of the day award was given out daily for misdemeanours committed during the day… Thanks guys always an absolute pleasure to see you all, and well done on catching some good fish……


For more information on Molyneux follow the link – Carp Fishing in France


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