New carp swims finished at Belteiere

Carp fishing in France at Bletiere

At last, after a lot of frustrating delays due to the weather, we’ve finally got the swims finished at Bletiere .

To help with drainage we installed a land drain pipe & buried it in half a ton of gravel under the swim. This had an immediate effect meaning we could get the work finished and of course, its benefits will be on-going.

The final touch this week was to add 3 cubic metres of chipped bark to keep you and your gear dry and clean. I have also topped up all the other swims with fresh bark. Finally all the banks were raked and cleared.

It will be a few weeks before the swim finally looks finished as we have to wait for the mud to dry and then I can get the grass seed down. Nature will then do the rest and in a few weeks the new work will not show at all.

Can’t wait for the season to start now & really looking forward to seeing everyone that has booked this year.

Best wishes, John and Lesley


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