New Lake Record to First Anglers of the Season!

Bletiere welcomed it’s first anglers this week, and it’s off to a flyer! Here’s owner John with the latest…

What a start to our season with David and Rick here for their first trip to France fishing and their first time having a weeks session for carp, but after setting their gear up and getting the bait going in Rick caught his first ever double at just over 11lbs so his new pb.

After baiting up again and having some lunch it was Davids turn and what a catch for his new pb by nearly 30lbs a mirror at 45lbs 13oz and a new lake record.

Well done guys and only your first day and encouraging signs with a lot of fish moving so all looks good for the week.

Bletiere Carp Fishing in France with Accommodation

45lb 13oz

For more information on Bletiere follow the link – Carp Fishing in France with Accommodation


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