November 9th 2013 and Nick Johnson and Dave Proctor return to Villefond. This was Nicks forth visit to our lake, being the last booking of the season the same as the year before.
On their last visit to Villefond they landed  1 x 20, 6 x 30’s to 39lb 10oz, 6 x 40’s to 47lb 8oz and 2 x 50’s to 54lb 4oz. They had to go some to beat that, and go some they did! Unfortunately Dave struggled with a few lost fish so didn’t land any this time but Nick certainly did land some monsters. He went one better than last year and landed 3 x 50lb carp to 54lb 7oz, which meant a new personal best again! Nick also had a 47lb mirror, a few thirties and a few below the 30lb mark.

50.04 ‘Max’
The exciting bit for me as the fisheries manager is every one of the 5 fish over the 50lb mark that Nick caught were different fish, none were the same fish and two of the 50lb fish he had this trip were carp going 50lb for the first time! For people that follow our fish on facebook (under villefond fish) will know Max the fish and that we were expecting him to go 50lb soon so it was exciting for me to finally get the news he has.

50.01 ‘Slate Grey’
The fish have really piled on the weight at amazing rates this year as our house bait has been the main source of food put in the lake by far. So for me again this is great news and more proof of what a great bait it is turning out to be and how good it is for the fish.
So all round this has been a great week and it’s looking good for my winter blog with an amazing amount of monster carp to catch!
Thanks again guys, great fishing! Mark Lambert (Fishery Manager)

47.11 ‘Dorian’