Update on work on Joy carp lake

It’s been a frustrating couple of months here at Joy Lake, and it’s nothing to do with dropped runs and line bites!!
In February of this year we began correspondence with the local authorities to obtain permission to net the lake, remove the majority of the silver fish, and whilst the lake was partially drained down, de-silt the shallower areas of the lake (which in turn will help reduce the surface weed/pads.

Joy Lake in its summer glory

Our target date for the work was October, however as summer progressed and the lake level dropped more than usual (due to a drought), we decided to bring the works forward to September.  At the same time we also decided to close the lake in early August, as the low water levels in front of some swims meant it was too shallow to safely land fish – hence our lack of feedback in August/September this year.

Unfortunately, our region was now classed as in “severe” drought, and consequently the authorities would not allow any fish movement or any pumping water into or out of the nearby river until “at least November”.
Thankfully, at long last, things have started moving again with the welcome autumn rains (and not so welcome snow & ice!), and we are now having our plans analysed (again!!) by the authorities.
All being well, we are now planning to net the lake early in the New Year, weather permitting of course, and get the digger to work in the shallow/silty areas (mainly the Brace, Point, Pads & Kingfisher swims). We intend to create some channels and deeper holes in these swims to improve the lake-bed/fish holding features in these areas, and help to get rid of the surface weed that stems from the silty areas.
We will also increase the depth in front of the swims to assist with landing/netting fish in the summer months.
Once the silver fish population (including everyone’s favourite bream!) is dramatically reduced, we will then introduce further carp in the 20lb+ category to the lake, and expect the existing residents to start gaining more weight than at present with much less competition for food. More details and photos on this to follow…

Ben Kirk with a Joy Lake 30 caught in July 2010

We’ll keep the website up to date with progress as soon as the works begin, and include plenty of photos.

In the meantime, many, many thanks to all of you who have emailed us about the work and offering your support and encouragement – it’s much appreciated especially when we’re wading through the French administration red-tape!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you all!
Neil, Caroline and Family.


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