Villefond November Review

Well winter is well and truly upon us here at Villefond!  The weather has been horrid with heavy winds, extraordinary amounts of rain and now towards the end of the month the cold weather has moved in. That said the big fish have been feeding well to those who have braved the elements and November has seen a lot of 40’s on the bank… some of these doing over 40lb for the first time.

This is a great time of year to be on the bank at Villefond.  The banks are quiet with most of the summer wildlife well into hibernation but the fishing is far from quiet. The Villefond fish really seem to like this time of year for a big feed up before the temperatures really drop, And not only do they feed well but they are in prime condition and look stunning in their winter colours.

A truly cracking time to be on the bank. My choice for fish of the month this month is a prime example of a fish that is at its biggest weight and looking cracking in its winter colours, the Long Two Tone.

Fish of the month

So my fish of the month this month is the Long Two Tone.  For some time when talking about the large target two toned fish in Villefond this fish was mentioned almost as an after thought.  But in 2012 this has really started to change as this year she has really come into her own as she has started to show some impressive weight gains and also has taken on a unique pinky colour.

In this most recent capture the Long Two Tone set its new highest weight at 47lb 12oz and we fully expect this fish to join the list of 50’s before the winter is over. It’s hard to see from photo’s just how long this fish is, but it is an extremely long and lean fish with a lot of room for growth and I strongly believe in the not so distant future the Long Two Tone will become one of Villefonds biggest fish.

A truly cracking fish of the month.

Carp Fishing in France at Villefond


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