Water Temperature Log at Bletiere Carp Lake

John’s famous thermometer duck!

Just to remind our visitors (and probably of interest to any one else thinking of coming over to France for an early trip) that every Saturday I will be posting on our Forum pages the air and water temperatures here at Bletiere.  This will obviously only be a reading from our lake and it will probably be different in the bigger lakes around.

The lake has now thawed out totally and with the very warm sun this week it should start to warm up very quickly.  Encouraged by a sunny day yesterday I’ve started to feed the carp again and within an hour of the food going in they could be seen fizzing on top of it.  The only trouble for me is that I can stand watching them for ages and no work gets done!

So every Saturday I will post the information and as things start to really warm up I will also post on a Wednesday as a mid-week reading.

Tight lines, John

Fishing Holidays in France at Bletiere



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