A Molyneux Carp Fishing Report

This is a round-up of the week commencing 28th March at Molyneux. This week’s anglers consisted of a couple of old friends and some newcomers to the lake. Colin Gates who has visited us in the past had returned for another week. We also welcomed back another old friend in the shape of Tom Judd, who brought with him his friend Brian, Brian’s son Guy and Guy’s mate Keiran, none of whom had visited us before.

Carp lakes near Calais at Molyneux

A beautiful sunset at Molyneux

The weather was similar to the previous week, a cold Northerly wind keeping both water and air temperatures low, this is sadly not conducive to good fishing.

Nothing was caught the first night, but then at noon on Sunday Brian in Social 1 landed a corker of a mirror weighing in at 38lb 8oz, a massive new pb and a good start to the week. A little while later, at just after 2pm Kieran in Barn swim landed a lovely mirror of 32lb 6oz.

At 6am on Monday morning Guy in double swim hooked and landed a new pb mirror at 35lb 10oz. Guy caught another on Tuesday lunchtime, almost as big as the first, another mirror, this one tipping the scales at 35lb 5oz.

5.50am Wednesday morning and Tom who was fishing in Social 2 landed a 32lb mirror on Brian’s rods in Social 1 as Brian slept through his alarms sounding and his mates repeated shouting…

carp fishing in france at Molyneux

Guy with a 33lb 11oz mirror

Ten minutes later Guy had a crazy one toner which brought him running from his bed, there ensued a fight the like of which he had never had, sadly upon landing the fish they found it to be foul hooked, a shame as at 43lb it would have been another new pb.

At 7.30am Thursday Guy was in again, this time thankfully hooked as it should be in the middle of the bottom lip, and at 33lb 11oz it went some way to making up for his disappointment of the previous morning. Less than an hour later and he was the one behind the camera as his pal Kieran landed a gorgeous plump 31lb 3oz common.

The following morning and Guy was away once more, this time a more unsociable hour of 1am, a smaller mirror this time weighing in at only 25lb 6oz. The first fish below thirty pounds of the week

Exactly 24hrs later, and Guy was up and attending to his rods once more as another good fish made a valiant bid for freedom, it was well hooked though and it was only a matter of time before he was holding it up for a quick photograph.

carp fishing france at Molyneux

Kieran and his last gasp 38lb 3oz common

Another mirror weighing 32lb 4oz. Kieran left his final fish to very late in the day, just as he was about to pack away his gear he had a belting take, and lifted into a hard fighting fish. It turned out to be the fish of the week for him, and one of my favourite fish in the lake, a full bodied common with a beautiful creamy yellow belly. A fish which I have watched steadily growing since we arrived here, this time caught at her best weight to date 38lb 3oz.

A cracking end to a good week. We got to meet some lovely guys, and saw some cracking fish landed, not as many as we would have liked, but in the conditions I think the guys did well. Poor Colin failed to have a fish sadly, but he is pragmatic enough to realise that fishing is fishing and these things happen..


For more information on Molyneux follow the link – Carp Fishing in France




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