8 Simple On The Bank Cooking Tips

8 very simple but effective tips for cooking for yourself whilst on a carp fishing trip, including some invaluable items you’d be silly to leave without!

1. For safety use a cooker that is low to the ground so you can’t knock it over and never cook in you bivvy.

2. The best fuel to cook on is gas, as it is easier to control the heat and burns hotter. Keep the gas in a warm place like the bottom of your sleeping bag as it will burn better if the gas is warm compared to it being cold and burning slow.

3. The only essential pans you will need are a good non stick frying pan and a normal small pan. All of your cooking can be done in these two pans and you can even boil water for hot drinks without the added baggage of a kettle. A small plastic chopping board, a good chopping knife and a wooden spoon are all you will need not the kitchen sink.  Don’t forget a plate, cup, knife, fork and spoon.

4. When going out for a week’s fishing make a list of what food you would like to eat each day and take 2-3 days of it with you, this is best frozen as it will last longer in your cool bag, most of the lakes are not far from the local shops for your next few days’ stock up!

5. As your prepping your fishing gear, prep your food as well and don’t leave it to the last thing, food is one of the most important items you need, if a car has no petrol then it’s not going to go the same applies to yourself, if you eat well and drink well you will become more focussed on what you are doing.

6. Keep all your food and cooking equipment in one bag, which has divided sections, so you’re not routing about in all your other gear all the time. You could line your bag with tin foil as this will keep all your food colder for longer.

7. Take baby wipes for cleaning your pans, plates and other equipment, this is the best way, as you don’t need water and washing up liquid on hand all the time. Obviously make sure they are non scented ones otherwise even your favourite food could become quite un-tasty.

8. Most importantly don’t try to be too adventurous, save that for the kitchen at home, use simple ingredients that will last and you know will be enjoyable. Keep it simple but delicious!



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