Carp rigs – a new twist to glaçon/ice rig method

The glacon carp rigI continually assess my fishing methods with a view to improving them wherever possible and I’ve come up with a twist to my glaçons or ice rigs (see Vaux BLOG Winter Carp Fishing – The Ice Rig dated 8th February 2010) as my earlier method was slightly inconvenient, owing to the fact that a hook length is frozen into the glaçon every time one is made – lots of glaçons, lots of hook lengths, all stored in the freezer!

So, my new version is made up without freezing in the hook length.  Follow the step by step guide as before;

1. Select the container for the glaçon

2. Cut it down to the appropriate size

3. Fill the container with the chosen bait EXCLUDING any hook length

4. Put in the freezer until solid

5. Take the frozen, filled container from the freezer, but do not cut off the plastic container at this stage

And then proceed as follows:

Advanced carp rigs

With a drill fitted with a masonry bit, drill through the centre of the glaçon from top to bottom

Effective carp rigs

NOW cut away the container to release the glaçon

Effective carp rigs

Bait the hook length as normal (here you have a boilie) and thread at least two pieces of rig foam sideways onto the hook length.  Any number of pieces of rig foam can be used, but it is really important to use it because it keeps the baited hook away from the glaçon while it is melting in the water.

The Ice carp rig

Thread the hook length through the glaçon using a baiting needle – and the baited glaçon is ready to go!  This one is for a baitboat, but they can also be made up in this way for casting if required

The glaçon acts like a swim feeder and as it breaks down, slowly in winter and quicker in summer, the baited hook length is always available to the carp because it is not frozen into the glaçon.  If the carp pick up and move off with the baited length, the weight of the lead comes to the point of the hook straight away because the glaçon has been pre-drilled and the hook length can pass through it before it has melted.

Carp fishing in France at Vaux

Martin’s 44lb mirror

Any number of glaçons can be made up and put into the freezer without having to make up so many hook lengths and all the pre-drilling can be carried out at home before you leave for that fishing trip;  there is no need to take a drill to the venue!  And with this method, I find I am getting quicker pick-ups from the carp.

And this is the method which was used to catch the first carp of the season in March.  Our friend and neighbour, Martin, joined me at Vaux to fish for pike, but when we saw two carp top in the middle of the lake, we decided we could not miss the opportunity.  We simply noted their position and a hook length was baited using the new glaçon method which was placed via the baitboat on the showing carp.  There was no pre-baiting and after a very short time, Martin was rewarded with this 44lb mirror.

Chas, Vaux


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