Eurotunnel Checking Anglers Vans

Eurotunnel have always stated that vans carrying more than 3 cubic metres of goods have to travel on the freight service. Now up until the past couple of weeks they have always been lenient on this rule and many anglers have happily travelled over to France with all their gear. This has now changed with vans being stopped and checked, those that exceed the limit having to pay an excess often over £100. 

We’re very happy to state that since the rules have been tightened up we have worked with Eurotunnel to swap all our applicable existing customer bookings over to freight for no extra charge to our customers.

This however will not apply for any Eurotunnel bookings made from now on and anglers taking transit sized vans over should be aware of this whether booking with us or not.  You can read the official wording from Eurotunnel regarding this rule below;

‘Vans can be accepted on our passenger service as long as the gross laden weight of the vehicle does not exceed 3.5 tons, the volume of goods being carried does not exceed 3 cubic metres and the goods are for private use only. However, if the weight is more than 3.5 tons gross laden, the volume of goods being carried exceed 3 cubic metres or the goods are commercial, you will need to call our Freight Sales office on 01303 28 22 44 for further information.

Please note that if the goods are for private use and the volume of goods exceed 3 cubic meters you would also have to travel on our Freight service. Our Freight service is unable to carry children under the age of 12 years or pets.’


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