An update from Kingfisher Carp Lake in France. Owner Matt has been busy with a new swimming pool, additional carp stocked and better facilities!
After what can only be described as a pretty awful year it has not stopped the work and the addition of new stock to replace the carp lost at the beginning of the season to SVC.
Losing 15 specimen fish and pretty much all my stockies that I’ve been growing on for the past 3-4 years was a severe setback and for those anglers that stuck with us I thank you for your support and understanding.

Re-stocking was planned through the summer and at the end of November, Phase 1 involved six new locally sourced additions weighing in at 31lb, 35lb, 38lb, 39lb, 39lb and 41.5lb. Thus far they have settled in without issue, their weights are actually down a little as they were stored in a stock pond where natural food was less abundant so I’m expecting these carp to regain a few pounds next season.
Phase 2 of the restocking is scheduled for either late December or early January (depends the whim of the Fishfarmer!), with 15 carp in the 26lb to 30lb range purchased, following this, stock levels of specimen fish will be slightly above those of pre-2020. I will be sourcing a small number of hand picked stockies to grow on for the future, probably only 20-25 fish though.
The grounds and the lake are prepped for this years vidange (emptying), life should be a little easier from now on as I have invested in a Seine net to net the Carp, this should stress the fish less during the vidange process.
Last years addition of the pool was well received even if we did only manage to see half a dozen groups during the brief window of opportunity.
The little observation cabin is now fully operational with power, light, UK and French plug sockets for charging phones etc. The bait freezer has been moved out of the gite and into the cabin.

There are still improvements I will be making, depending on time. Unfortunately work ground to a halt at the start of December when I cut my thumb quite badly and ended up needing an operation to fix cut tendons and nerves. I’m not really one for sitting around, so soon as I can return to work (25th Dec!) I’ll be back to working on the lake.
I was asked to pick my favourite photo of 2020, which was an easy one for me: Ash Mitchell picking up the lake record on 8th Aug with Stealth at 43lb 8oz and Ash’s very proud boys.

Kingfisher Lake is the ideal carp fishing venue to take family on too – the lakeside cottage, swimming pool, private lake and of course excellent carp fishing make for the perfect holiday.
Find out more about Kingfisher Lake here: Exclusive carp fishing in France with accommodation