Two Superb 50lb+ Captures at Laroussi

Craig Lancashire’s group have again produced the goods at Laroussi, despite some difficult weather conditions. Here is there catch report from the week…

Holiday date: Sat 8th Oct to Sat 15th Oct 2016
Name of customer: Craig Lancashire
Number of anglers: 3
Details of your catches: Dave had 6 fish 2x 50s 1×40 2x30s and one double. I had 6 fish 1×50 1×40 2×30 1×20 and 70lb catfish. John unfortunately blanked.
Laroussi big carp fishing france

Dave – 57lb

Your best tactics/bait/rigs: Fish were shying away from big beds of bait and a smaller approach seemed to work better

Were the facilities what you expected? Yes
Were you happy with them? Yes
Would you recommend the venue to a friend? Yes
Would you recommend our services to a friend? Yes
big french carp fishing laroussi

Craig – 50lb 9oz

General comments: Mehdi superb as always, temperatures dropped for our week and a old northerly wind didn’t make fishing easy, but still had a great week and a couple of great captures! Will be back next april for another crack on this great water.
Find out more about Laroussi here – Carp Fishing in France


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