Under Cover – Building the Cabin at Glehias

Glehias Carp Lake have begun work on the Floating Island Cabin in readiness of the 2014 Season, here’s this week’s update from Lee…

This weekend, we hit the roof. I have deviated slightly from the planned schedule of works but while the weather is with us, thought it would be nice to get the project under cover.

First job Saturday morning was a 3 hour round trip collecting the materials for the weekend’s work; once this was out of the way we could get stuck in. The rest of Saturday was spent cutting the waterproof chipboard and chalk-lining the tile lines onto each board as they were cut on the trestles; it’s easier to do it here than on the roof as water proof board is very slippery, even at only a 17 degree pitch. By two o’clock we were ready to screw all the panels in place and managed to get the last one fixed about half an hour before it got dark, phew!

glehias carp fishing lake with cabin blog


Sunday was purely fixing the bitumen tiles, 460kg of them to be exact! With William on the ground passing them up to me on the roof, we managed to fix about two thirds of the total area leaving the last third and all the bonnets over the hips to be cut and fixed next weekend.

External joinery is also under way with 2 of the round windows built and ready to fit into the studwork in the kitchenette area. The eighteen 4 inch perimeter posts which will hold the rope fence around the decking are also being housed out and varnished ready for fitting to the main deck very soon……. We’re getting there!

If you missed the first ‘Building The Cabin’ installments they are all here.

glehias carp fishing lake with cabin blog


glehias carp fishing lake with cabin blog




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