Spectacular Week of Lake Records at Glehias


Having arrived at Glehias on Saturday afternoon, the Chandler Party of five decided to set up bivvies and prepare rods to crack on with the fishing first thing on the Sunday morning after a relaxing night at the farmhouse.

The fishing started with a flying start and by mid-week, the tally was stacking up with fish coming from all corners of the lake, despite the hot weather and bright sunshine.

Wednesday, around 13:00, Construction Design Office Manager, Julia Chandler from Walton-upon-Thames in Surrey, bagged a beauty of a beast from the shallows on one of Quest Baits Rajah Spice boilies. The gorgeous Mirror gave her a run for her money, right around lili-pad islands where it dug in and refused to budge. Julia thought it best to put the rod back on the rest and wait for the fish to move, the tactic paid off as the lump was soon back on the move, and this time in the right direction. By 13:30 the big Mirror was in the net and the Ladies Lake Record was raised by almost 5lb to a respectable 41lb 8oz.


Julia Chandler with the Ladies Lake Record Mirror at 41lb 8oz.

An hour and half later, Julia only went and bust another lake record; the Ladies Lake Record Grass Carp came out at 15:00 on the 8th June 2016 on a Mainline Cell boilie, weighing in at 24lbs on the nose, the heaviest Grassie to come out so far. Julia takes home two bottles of white wine for her troubles as a memento.

French carp lake Glehias

Julia Chandler with the Ladies Lake Record Grassie at 24lb.

Not to be out done, fellow angler Bernie Walker from Weybridge also broke a lake record; The OAP Lake Record Mirror. He achieved this in serious style by taking it OFF THE TOP!!! In over ten years, no one has managed to take fish off the surface here and this was his fifth in two days!

carp fishing in france glehias

Bernie Walker with the OAP Lake Record Mirror taken off the top with a dog biscuit!

A lot of stealthy pre-baiting and preparation was involved in BBQ Corner, and once he was happy that he could see fish visiting regularly and feeding on the Omega dog biscuits, he then snuck in with his favourite stalking rod. By Friday Bernie had taken four good Carp to 32lb+ off the top but at mid-day he came across a stonking 40lb 1oz Mirror. The big beauty was taken on a Curly-Wurly rig tipped with a dog biscuit. Bernie takes home a personalised bottle of red wine as souvenir.

Big big well done to both Julia and Bernie

Find our more about Glehias here – French carp fishing 


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