Interview with a Carp Lake Owner – Gary at Eau de Vie

We have a fantastic group of lakes on our website, which are a credit to the people that run them. We asked Gary, who together with Angeline, own Eau de Vie South & North, the best and worst bits of the job. The Eau de Vie complex consists of two fantastic small exclusive carp lakes in France.

1. When did you discover carp fishing and how did you come to be here at Eau de Vie?

I started fishing from a very young age and fished for a living when I left school. Having got into carp fishing over 20 years ago, and soon after going on my first French trip, I loved it so much I have returned at least twice a year thereafter.

I learnt my carp fishing skills through being a competition angler in the UK. Like a lot of anglers I had a dream and through a change of circumstances Angeline and I were in a position to sell up in the UK and buy the lakes 3 years ago.

2. What’s the best and worst part of being the owner?

Best is seeing anglers faces and excitement when they catch a new PB or a really pretty fish. Worst is when you have anglers at the lake and the fish are just not eating and no matter what the anglers do or the advice you give nothing changes. It’s quite tough seeing anglers struggle and there is nothing you can do.

Eau de Vie South

3. What would you say is the best feature of Eau de Vie South?

The best feature of the lake is its shape and its features -with two islands and a finger where 3 anglers can fish for a nice social and get to all of the lake and features within it.

4. When people arrive is there anything they are surprised by?

The first thing they say is how beautiful the venue is and the accommodation is far better than they expected.

5. What is the most common mistake you see anglers make at your lakes?

There is a few but the most common is coming unprepared, the lakes change every week so not being able to make changes for the time of year, research and communication is key.

6. Finally, what is the one most important piece of advice you’d give to anglers visiting your lake soon?

Enjoy yourself, stick to what you know and are confident in and talk to me as to how the lake is fishing, be prepared to make minor changes.

eau de Vie South small exclusive carp lakes in France
Gary with one of Eau de Vie South’s mirror carp

About Eau de Vie North and South Small Exclusive Lakes in France

The complex consists of two carp lakes, each designed for small groups of anglers to hire exclusively for the week. These lakes are perfect for those who are looking for carp fishing in France with accommodation or small exclusive carp lakes, to enjoy excellent fishing without being disturbed by other anglers.

Both are equipped with lakeside cabins providing excellent facilities and accommodation right on the bank. Well equipped outdoor seating areas allow you to enjoy a BBQ whilst waiting for those runs.

The lakes hold a good stock of carp to mid forties and usually provide plenty of runs for all. Because of the lakes’ relatively small size and exclusivity they are well suited to less experienced anglers. Also, for those more experienced, the variety of features offer plenty of interest.

For parties of up to 7 anglers the North and South lake can be booked together, this works well as they both sit on the same complex.  

Find out more about Eau de Vie here
Eau de Vie South Carp Fishing in France with Accommodation
Eau de Vie North Small Exclusive Carp Lake in France

Eau de Vie carp fishing in france with accommodation
Eau de Vie North

Read more of our interviews with owners here – Interview with a Lake Owner Series


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